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Sims 4 Cheats, Cheat Codes e Walkthroughs para o seu PC

21 de abril de 2021

Neste artigo

The Sims 4 para PC é um jogo de simulação sandbox da Maxis que oferece uma experiência diferente a cada vez que você joga. É um desdobramento da popular série Sim City que permite que você junte diferentes tipos de pessoas, ou Sims, e veja como eles interagem em seu próprio pequeno mundo virtual. Quando isso ficar chato, você pode desbloquear uma maneira totalmente nova de jogar com alguns truques do Sims 4 para PC bem poderosos. Se você tiver a versão PS4 ou Xbox One do jogo, também poderá inserir cheats, mas o processo é diferente do descrito neste guia.

Como funcionam os cheats no The Sims 4 para PC?

Códigos de trapaça para The Sims 4 no PC podem dar a você mais dinheiro, ou mesmo dinheiro ilimitado, mudar um monte de coisas sobre Sims individuais e fornecer acesso a todos os itens do jogo. Eles podem até fazer coisas divertidas e estranhas, como substituir a cabeça de um sim por uma saladeira ou sofá, se você estiver procurando por uma risada rápida.

Pessoa jogando Sims 4 usando códigos de trapaça

Marina Li / Lifewire
Alguns truques mudam algo sobre um sim individual, como aumentar ou diminuir a habilidade do sim em um determinado campo. Você pode aumentar e diminuir livremente esses números conforme desejar. Outros truques ativam ou desativam algo. Todos esses cheats incluem sobre ou verdadeiro em algum lugar no comando. Para desativar o cheat, basta usar o mesmo comando e substituir sobre ou verdadeiro com fora ou falso. Os cheats no The Sims 4 são criados pelo desenvolvedor para ajudar nos processos de teste e depuração e são intencionalmente expostos aos jogadores para oferecer experiências divertidas e diferentes. Em alguns casos, as atualizações do jogo podem quebrar certos truques, e a Maxis também pode desabilitar qualquer truque que quiser a qualquer momento. Se você achar que um cheat não funciona mais, você terá que esperar para ver se ele será consertado na próxima atualização ou procurar um mod do Sims 4 que conserte cheats quebrados e desativados.

Como habilitar cheats no The Sims 4 no PC

Antes de usar os cheats no The Sims 4 no PC, você precisa habilitá-los. Isso é feito abrindo o console de truques e digitando um comando simples. Depois de habilitar os cheats, você poderá inserir quantos códigos de cheat desejar. Veja como habilitar cheats no The Sims 4 no PC:

  1. Inicie o jogo e carregue um arquivo salvo ou crie uma nova família.

  2. pressione e segure CTRL + Shift + C.

  3. Selecione dentro da caixa fina que aparece na parte superior da tela.

  4. Modelo testingcheats truee pressione Enter no teclado.

  5. Quando este processo for concluído com sucesso, você verá uma mensagem no console de cheat que diz que os cheats estão habilitados. Você pode então inserir qualquer cheats que desejar no console de cheats. Se o console de trapaça desaparecer, basta pressionar e segurar CTRL, Mudança, e C para abri-lo novamente. Alguns cheats são habilitados com o sobre ou verdadeiro após o código da fraude. Esses cheats podem ser desabilitados usando o mesmo código de cheat, mas digitando fora ou falso em vez de.

The Sims 4 PC Money Cheats

Você precisa de dinheiro para fazer qualquer coisa no The Sims 4, então alguns dos truques mais úteis são projetados para aumentar sua conta bancária. Se você precisar de algum dinheiro extra, conhecido no jogo como Simoleons, para comprar uma casa melhor, enfeitar sua casa com alguns móveis divertidos ou apenas cobrir as necessidades diárias de seus sims, você pode inserir os seguintes truques.

O que o trapaceiro faz Como fazer o cheat
Concede instantaneamente 50.000 Simoleons. Modelo
filão no console de truques.
Concede instantaneamente 1.000 Simoleons. Modelo
kaching no console de truques.
Concede instantaneamente 1.000 Simoleons. Modelo botão de rosa no console de truques.
Altere seus fundos para um valor específico Modelo
dinheiro no console de truques, seguido pela quantidade que você deseja.
Libera todos os lotes e casas disponíveis quando usados ​​na vista de bairro. Modelo
FreeRealEstate em no console de truques.

Cheats do modo de construção do The Sims 4 para PC

O modo de construção é como você muda os móveis da sua casa, constrói adições e faz muitas outras coisas divertidas. Se você se sente sufocado pela maneira como o jogo evita que os itens fiquem muito próximos uns dos outros ou se sobreponham, ou se deseja acesso instantâneo a um monte de itens extras, você pode inserir os seguintes códigos. Você também pode usar esses truques para aumentar e diminuir o tamanho de qualquer item para alguns efeitos bastante cômicos.

O que o trapaceiro faz Como fazer o cheat
Permite que você coloque objetos em qualquer lugar, mesmo que eles se sobreponham. Modelo
bb.moveobjects no console de truques.
Desbloqueie todos os itens que normalmente seriam desbloqueados durante o jogo. Modelo
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement no console de truques.
Ativa o modo de depuração de compra e adiciona itens extras que você pode comprar. Modelo
bb.showhiddenobjects no console de truques.
Permite que você edite o hospital, a delegacia de polícia e o laboratório de ciências.
Observação: Só funciona se você tiver a expansão Sims 4 Get to Work.
bb.enablefreebuild no console de truques.
Aumenta o tamanho de um objeto. Clique em um objeto e pressione
mudança +
Diminui o tamanho de um objeto. Clique em um objeto e pressione
mudança +
Adds more options to manipulate your roof. Click the roof, then press
shift +

Using Cheats in The Sims 4 on PC to Modify Relationships

In The Sims 4, your sims can make friends, enemies, and even enter into romantic relationships. This can happen naturally, or you can prod things in the direction of your choice by giving orders to your sims. If that doesn’t get things done quickly enough, we have some cheats that allow you to create instant friendships, mortal enemies, and romantic partners.

All cheat codes that modify relationships between two sims follow this format: 

modifyrelationship sim1FirstName sim1LastName sim2FirstName sim2 LastName 100 RelationshipType.

That is, you type the first and last name of one sim, the first and last name of a second sim, a number, and then the relationship type. Here’s an example:

modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe 100 LTR_Romance_Main

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, it would provide a large boost to the romantic relationship between the sims John Doe and Jane Doe. If you used a negative number, it would have a large negative effect on their romantic relationship instead.

Here are the codes that you can use in place of LTR_Romance_Main from the example, and some extra cheats that also pertain to relationships: 

What the Cheat Does The Cheat Code
Romance LTR_Romance_Main
Friendship LTR_Friendship_Main
Friendship with Pets LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
Introduces your sim to everyone in the neighborhood. Type
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others into the cheat console.
Spawns a new sim on your lot that is friends with the target sim. Type
relationship.create_friends_for_sim into the cheat console.

The Sims 4 PC Skill Cheats

In The Sims 4, your sims can have a variety of skills that they develop slowly over the course of time. If you want to make a sim an instant impresario on the piano or add a genius chef to your household, we have cheats that allow you to instantly alter the level of any skill in the game.

All cheat codes that modify skill levels follow this format: 

stats.set_skill_level SkillName 10

That is, you use the stats.set_skill_level command, followed by a skill name, and then a number. Here’s an example:

stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, your currently selected sim would be instantly boosted to a fishing skill level of 10, which is the highest it can go.

Here’s a list of all the skills, and the associated codes, in The Sims 4 on PC:

The Skill to Alter The Cheat Code
Fishing Major_Fishing
Mischief Major_Mischief
Guitar Major_Guitar
Bartending Major_Bartending
Programming Major_Programming
Gardening Major_Gardening
Gourmet Cooking Major_GourmetCooking
Comedy Major_Comedy
Charisma Major_Charisma
Writing Major_Writing
Video Gaming Major_VideoGaming
Violin Major_Violin
Rocket Science Major_RocketScience
Painting Major_Painting
Piano Major_Piano
Logic Major_Logic
Handiness Major_Handiness
Cooking Major_HomestyleCooking
Fitness Skill_Fitness

Special Skill Cheat Codes For The Sims 4 PC Expansions

The Sims 4 on PC has several expansions, each of which has added new skills. If you have any of these expansions, you can use the following codes to alter the skill level of any of your sims.

These codes are all used in the exact same manner as the codes in the previous section. Here’s an example:

stats.set_skill_level Baking 10

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, your currently selected sim would be instantly boosted to a baking skill level of 10, but only if you have The Sims 4 Get to Work. If you don’t have the relevant expansion, the code won’t won’t do anything.

Here are all of all the skills, and associated codes, that only work if you have the necessary expansion installed: 

The Skill to Alter The Cheat Code Required Expansion
Acting Major_Acting The Sims 4 Get Famous
Media Production Minor_Media The Sims 4 Get Famous
Archaeology Major_Archaeology The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure
Selvadorian Culture Minor_LocalCulture The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure
Baking Major_Baking The Sims 4 Get to Work
Retail Work Ethic Retail_Workethic The Sims 4 Get to Work
Retail Maintenance Retail_Maintenance The Sims 4 Get to Work
Retail Sales Retail_Sales The Sims 4 Get to Work
Dancing Major_Dancing The Sims 4 Get Together
DJ Major_DJ The Sims 4 Get Together
Flower Arranging Major_FlowerArranging The Sims 4 Seasons
Skating Hidden_Skating The Sims 4 Seasons
Herbalism Major_Herbalism The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
Parenting Major_Parenting The Sims 4 Parenthood
Pet Training Skill_Dog The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs
Vet Major_Vet The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs
Pipe Organ Major_PipeOrgan The Sims 4 Vampires
Vampire Lore VampireLore The Sims 4 Vampires
Rock Climbing Skill_Hidden_TreadMill The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff
Singing Major_Singing The Sims 4 City Living
Wellness Major_Wellness The Sims 4 Spa Day

The Sims 4 PC Child Skill Cheats

In The Sims 4, children also have a basic set of skills that they have to increase before they grow up. If you want to give your kids a head start in life, you can use cheat codes to instantly boost these skills.

All cheat codes that modify a child’s skill levels follow this format: 

stats.set_skill_level SkillName 10

That is, you use the stats.set_skill_level command, followed by a skill name, and then a number. Here’s an example:

stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, your currently selected child sim would be instantly boosted to a mental skill level of 10, which is the highest it can go.

The Child’s Skill to Alter The Cheat Code
Social Skill_Child_Social
Creativity Skill_Child_Creativity
Mental Skill_Child_Mental
Motor Skill_Child_Motor

The Sims 4 PC Toddler Skill Cheats

Like children, toddlers in The Sims 4 also have their own unique set of skills. If you want to boost these skills, you can do so using the same exact format that you use for adult and child skills.

All cheat codes that modify toddler skill levels follow this format: 

stats.set_skill_level SkillName 5

That is, you use the stats.set_skill_level command, followed by a skill name, and then a number. Here’s an example:

stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Imagination 5

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, your currently selected sim would be instantly boosted to an imagination skill level of 5, which is the highest it can go.

Unlike adults and children, toddler skills cap at five for everything but potty training. Potty training caps at three.

Here are all the toddler skills and associated codes:

The Toddler’s Skill to Alter The Cheat Code
Communication Skill_Toddler_Communication
Imagination Skill_Toddler_Imagination
Movement Skill_Toddler_Movement
Potty Training Skill_Toddler_Potty
Thinking Skill_Toddler_Thinking

The Sims 4 Career Promotion Cheats

You can also use cheats to change your Sim’s career and give them instant promotions. Some of these careers are available in the base game, and others require an expansion.

All cheats that modify a sim’s career follow one of three formats:

What the Cheat Does How to Perform the Cheat
Promotes the sim in the specified career. Type
careers.promote into the cheat console, followed by the name of a career, e.g.
careers.promote painter.
Adds the specified career to the selected sim. Type
careers.add_career into the cheat console, followed by the name of a career, e.g.
add_career entertainer.
Makes the sim quit the specified career. Type
careers.remove_career, followed by the name of a career, e.g.
careers.remove_career astronaut.

For each of these cheats, you can use any career code to add the specified career, make your sim quit their job, or give your sim a promotion in their careers.

Here are all of the careers, and associated codes, including information on whether an expansion is required to use the code:

The Career The Cheat Code Expansion Required?
Politician Activist The Sims 4 City Living
Acting Actor The Sims 4 Get Famous
Astronaut Astronaut
Athlete Athletic
Business Business
Criminal Criminal
Critic Careers_Adult_Critic The Sims 4 City Living
Culinary Culinary
Detective Detective The Sims 4 Get to Work
Doctor Doctor The Sims 4 Get to Work
Entertainer Entertainer
Painter Painter
Scientist Scientist The Sims 4 Get to Work
Secret Agent SecretAgent
Social Media SocialMedia The Sims 4 City Living
Style Influencer Influencer
Tech Guru TechGuru
Writer Writer

Teen Job Cheats in The Sims 4 on PC

Teens in The Sims 4 have a more limited range of potential jobs, but you can still use cheats to give your sim teen a new job, have them quit their job, or give them a promotion.

The basic commands are the same as the adult career commands, but they use codes that are unique to teens. Like all the other cheats in The Sims 4, you type the code into the cheat console to activate it. Here’s an example:

careers.add_career TeenBarista

If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, the selected teen sim would get the new career of barista.

Here are the available jobs, and associated codes, for teens in The Sims 4:

The Job The Cheat Code Expansion Required?
Babysitter Teen_Babysitter  
Barista Teen_Barista  
Fast Food Employee Teen_FastFood  
Scout Scout The Sims 4 Seasons
Manual Laborer Teen_Manual  
Retail Employee Teen_Retail  

Interaction Cheats in The Sims 4 on PC

Most of the cheats in The Sims 4 are activated by typing codes into the cheat console, but there are also a lot of interaction cheats that become available as soon as you turn cheats on. To use these cheats, you need to hold shift when you click on a sim or object to access the special cheat menu. Clicking any of the options in the cheat menu will execute the cheat.

To use these interaction cheats:

  1. Type testingcheats true into the cheat console to make sure cheats are turned on.

  2. Press and hold the shift key on your keyboard.

  3. Click a sim or object.

  4. Click a cheat in the special cheat menu that appears.

Here are the interaction cheats you can access in The Sims 4 with this method:

Shift Click Object Option What it Does
Sim Modify in CAS Allows you to completely modify any sim using the Create a Sim interface.
Note: The cas.fulleditmode cheat must be entered into the cheat console first for this to work.
Sim Reset Object Resets the sim. This is very useful if a sim gets stuck or glitched.
Sim Add to Family Adds the sim to your household.
Sim Remove from Family Removes the sim from your household.
Sim Cheat Need Allows you to make the sim happy, disable need decay, or enable need decay
Sim Marriage Allows you to remove marriages.
Mailbox Alter Need Allows you to modify the needs of the entire neighborhood, or just your household.
Most objects Set as Head Replaces the sim’s head with that object.
Dirty object Make Clean Cleans the object.
Clean object Make Dirty Makes the object dirty.
The ground Teleport Here Teleports the selected sim to that location,

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